VisionCare Specialists is committed to providing our patients with state of the art medical eye care and vision care services as well as high quality products. Many services may be covered by your insurance carriers. Still, the majority of people do not have vision insurance. Ultimately, it is your obligation to know what benefits and limitations exist with your specific insurance plan, but we will assist you in any way that we can to get this information for you if you are unable to do so. Our staff will do their best to help you maximize your insurance benefits. You are responsible for any fees related to services and materials rendered that are not covered by your insurance company.
We are on the preferred provider panels for medical plans, such as Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois and Medicare, and a number of vision plans. If you belong to a plan that we are not a preferred provider, there are usually Out-of-network benefits that will be reimbursed directly to you, which should be confirmed by your provider in advance.
Vision insurance plans are intended to function as a separate or added benefit to your medical insurance (similar to dental insurance). If you are fortunate enough to have such an added plan and we are participants in that plan, we will utilize the plan to your greatest advantage. Most of these vision plans are not intended to cover 100% of your costs for either vision services or materials, but end up providing a significant savings over those without this kind of coverage.
Medical insurance plans will cover "medically necessary services," but specifically exclude routine vision care. Most do not cover material costs for glasses or contact lenses. These fees typically must be paid "out of pocket" by the patient. There are some circumstances when contact lenses may be "medically necessary" and therefore would be covered by medical insurance.
Flexible spending accounts allow you put "pre-tax dollars" in an account to use for medical and other related expenses that are not covered under your routine health insurance. In general, these funds must be used in most cases by the end of the year or they are forfeited. The benefit is that you are using dollars before they are taxed by the local, state, or federal government.
You can use flex dollars for any services and materials not covered by other insurance plans you may have. Vision examples include glasses, contact lenses, and sunglasses.
You do not have to wait until the end of the year to use your flexible spending account but do not forget to use all of your remaining flex dollars before the end of the year!